And you may find yourself, in a beautiful house

Oh! Hello! Welcome to my beautiful house. I suppose you’re asking yourself, how did you get here? Perhaps, what is this beautiful house? Allow me to answer your question with a question. Do you like TV? Movies? Video games? Awesome, so do I! I especially love sci-fi TV, movies, and video games. This is a space in which I will talk about TV, movies, and video games. Hope you like bad humour!


I’m glad you asked! Dog in a Hat Studios, known more simply as “Dee”, is an ADHD milennial with too much time on their hands, a head full to bursting with thoughts on fiction, and absolutely no ability to save money whatsoever. They’re the one writing this page, don’tcha know? They/them pronouns, please!


This is the Dog in a Hat.

Oh, sure, ask about the dog and not me. I see how it is.

The Dog in a Hat is based off Ned, my old dog of 2010 to 2023. He first came into my life during high school, when my mother – who worked as a drycleaning delivery driver at the time – happened upon the most beautiful little man anybody’s ever seen, while delivering some stuff to a vet. You see, Ned was a farm dog, sent away from his old home because he wouldn’t stop bothering the sheep on the farm, which had the terrible effect of causing miscarriages. This made the money sad, and could not stand in the eyes of the farmers.

Months passed, and the vets could not find a home for him. They were on the verge of having him put down, when my mother happened across him and almost instantly fell in love. Less than a week later, he had entered our home – and started leaving his indelible mark on our hearts. Ned was, quite possibly, the single friendliest dog in existence. I’ve never met a person that he disliked. Every person that entered our property – every person that passed our property – he would bark up a storm, as if begging for their attention. As soon as they were in patting range, he prepared for inevitable patting. He had no regard for the bounds placed by Man or God, constantly jumping up onto herb bins, strawberry patches, beds, and couches. On more than one occasion, he decided to explore the local neighbourhood, driving my family into a frenzy, searching for him for over two hours. When we returned home, he was sitting on the front steps, wondering where the fuck we were.

These shenanigans came to a close in early 2023, when after a short but acute battle with lymphoma, it was decided that he should be put down to avoid further discomfort. He was a unique little man, and there will never be another dog quite so good-natured as him. His death affects people across the world, from little old Aotearoa, to Germany, the UK, and the US.